January 22, 2025



The Great American Genocide


We’ve reached the point that any person with critical thinking skills can no longer deny that we are being deliberately poisoned. Nearly everything that is reasonably priced to eat or drink is actually toxic. The glowing health claims and the stamps of approval from the EPA, the FDA, and USDA, are fraudulent smoke and mirrors – people are actually being deceived into spending money to purchase the substances that will lead to disease and demise.

A chemical warfare has been declared on us. The battlefields are our homes, the grocery stores, the pharmacies. This is genocide, and we are the intended victims. As early as 1974 food became the top weapon of the United Nations in a stealthy war waged on the citizens of the world.


Turning on the tap in many places releases a toxic stream into your glass or your shower. Some of these additions are incidental. The toxins present in municipal water supplies vary from city to city. In the US Midwest, for example, there are high levels of pesticides (in particular, weed killer) due to agricultural practices that contaminate the groundwater (this also affects well water in the area). In 22 states with military contractors, percholate, the explosive component of rocket fuel, has been found in the tap water. In 2008, the AP released a report informing us that water treatment centers were unable to remove all traces of pharmaceutical drugs from the water supply. (The drugs were introduced into the water by human and animal urine.) Tap water also contains contaminants like aluminum, arsenic and lead.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Chlorine, ammonia, and fluoride are deliberately dumped into the supply at water treatment facilities, and we’re told that it’s all for our own good. These additives are poisons, though.


This removes disease-causing bacteria, which is great, but it also creates numerous toxic by-products, like chloroform and trihalomethanes.

According to Dr. Michael J. Plewa, a genetic toxicology expert at the University of Illinois, chlorinated water is carcinogenic. “Individuals who consume chlorinated drinking water have an elevated risk of cancer of the bladder, stomach, pancreas, kidney and rectum as well as Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.”


To undo some of the carcinogenic effects of the added chlorine, some facilities are also adding ammonia to the chlorinated water in order to meet EPA standards. This creates “chloraminated” water. (Anyone who has ever cleaned a house knows that mixing bleach (chlorine) and ammonia is a no-no – so why are the facilities doing so?) Unfortunately, it creates a brand new variety of toxins. Fish and reptiles die when subjected to chloraminated water, and the effects on humans are just now being studied.

To make a bad situation even worse, chloraminated water reacts with the lead in water pipes, releasing yet another toxin into the public water system. In Washington DC, when chloramination of the water first began, lead levels were found to be 4,800 times the UN’s acceptable level for the toxic heavy metal!


The exact same fluoride added to the water supply in treatment facilities (sodium fluoride) is sold under a different label as a pesticide – that’s right – bug killer.

The consumption of fluoride lowers IQs, causes infertility, has been linked to cancer and causes hardening of the arteries. In fact, one study “published in the January edition of the journal Nuclear Medicine Communications, the research highlights the fact that mass fluoride exposure may be to blame for the cardiovascular disease epidemic that takes more lives each year than cancer. In 2008, cardiovascular killed 17 million people. According to the authors of the study: “The coronary fluoride uptake value in patients with cardiovascular events was significantly higher than in patients without cardiovascular events.”” (Source)

It’s also important to note that the inclusion of fluoride in drinking water has no discernible positive effect on dental health. In fact, it can cause dental fluorosis, a visible overexposure to fluoride resulting in subtle white flecks in the tooth enamel all the way to a pronounced brown staining.


The grocery store is little more than a gauntlet. Health claims that have been “substantiated” by the FDA are a complete fallacy. Whole, organic foods cost more than quadruple the price of conventionally grown foods. Processed foods are promoted over ingredients. Some of the most common poisons at the grocery store are either unlabeled or deceptively labeled.


It’s nearly impossible to shop without adding some genetically modified food into your cart. Almost every item that is processed contains corn, for example, and up to 85% of corn grown in the United States is genetically modified. GMOs bear a high price tag for your health, however, despite corporate claims to the contrary.

Just a few of the results of a GMO diet (based on peer-reviewed studies) are: grotesque tumors, premature death, organ failure, gastric lesions, liver damage, kidney damage, severe allergic reactions, a viral gene that disrupts human functions…you can read more HERE.

Artificial Sweeteners:

Artificial sweeteners are deadly.

Splenda, for example, is the trademarked name for sucralose, an artificial chlorinated sweetener that is formed when the hydroxyl groups in a sugar molecule are replaced with chlorine molecules. According to Dr James Turner, the chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health”In animals examined for the study, Splenda reduced the amount of good bacteria in the intestines by 50 percent, increased the pH level in the intestines, contributed to increases in body weight and affected P-glycoprotein (P-gp) levels in such a way that crucial health-related drugs could be rejected.”

The sweetener has been linked to:

  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Migraines
  • Seizures
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Allergic reactions
  • Blood sugar increases
  • Weight gain

Shockingly, there is something even worse: aspartame. The deadly excitotoxin literally stimulates your brain cells until they die! If that isn’t enough to convince you to ditch the diet cola, is also a known carcinogen that breaks down into formaldehyde in the human body. In fact, there are 92 documented negative health effects linked to the consumption of aspartame.


Even the hijacked the Environmental Protection Agency has to admit that the ingestion of pesticides can cause health problems. They warn of the risk of “birth defects, nerve damage, cancer, and other effects that might occur over a long period of time.” (Keep in mind, however, that despite this warning, the EPA just RAISED the acceptable limit of glysophate at the behest of Monsanto.) Especially at risk of harm from pesticides are children.

Infants and children may be especially sensitive to health risks posed by pesticides for several reasons:

  • their internal organs are still developing and maturing,
  • in relation to their body weight, infants and children eat and drink more than adults, possibly increasing their exposure to pesticides in food and water.
  • certain behaviors–such as playing on floors or lawns or putting objects in their mouths–increase a child’s exposure to pesticides used in homes and yards.

Pesticides may harm a developing child by blocking the absorption of important food nutrients necessary for normal healthy growth. Another way pesticides may cause harm is if a child’s excretory system is not fully developed, the body may not fully remove pesticides. Also, there are “critical periods” in human development when exposure to a toxin can permanently alter the way an individual’s biological system operates. (source)

The website What’s On My Food takes a stronger stance than the EPA regarding the risks of pesticides.

The human health impacts linked to pesticide exposure range from birth defects and childhood brain cancer in the very young, to Parkinsons’ Disease in the elderly. In between are a variety of other cancers, developmental and neurological disorders, reproductive and hormonal system disruptions, and more.

  • Autism
  • Breast Cancer
  • Children’s diseases
  • Endosulfan
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Parkinson’s Disease

Growth Hormones:

Our meat and dairy supplies are not safe either –livestock and dairy cattle are injected with genetically modified growth hormone, tainting the milk produced or the meat that is butchered.

“ Increasing cancer risk, milk from cows injected with genetically modified growth hormone contains “up to ten times the amount of insulin growth factor-1.” The growth factor has been shown to cause breast, prostrate, and colon cancer (Miller). When humans consume this milk, it puts them at risk for these cancers. This is not the only danger to reproductive health. Rats fed genetically modified potatoes grew smaller brains, testicles, and livers, and male rats fed only genetically modified soy had their testicles change from “from the normal pink to dark blue””



The problems do not end at the grocery store – you are taking your life in your hands by consuming medications that we are assured that are not only safe, but beneficial.


A major difference between the current decade and the 1970s is the escalated vaccine schedules we are encouraged, browbeaten and guilted to provide to our children. Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote, “In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school. Today they will receive over 36 injections. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control assured parents that it was safe to not only give these vaccines, but that they could be given at one time with complete safety.”

Much has been written about the risk of autism with these vaccines but it is important to note that many of them also contain mercury, a known carcinogen.

It isn’t only children who are targeted by the vaccine companies. Workplaces across the country are beginning to mandate an annual flu shot as a requirement of employment. That is to say that each year you are encouraged to have injected into yourself the following toxins:

  • Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
  • Phenol, also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye)
  • Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent
  • Aluminum, which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and seizures and also cancer producing in laboratory mice (it is used as an additive to promote antibody response)
  • Thimerosal (a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease
  • Neomycin and Streptomycin (used as antibiotics) have caused allergic reaction in some people.

Other medications:

People are convinced that there is a magic pill for everything. They’re convinced of this by the mass programming done through advertising campaigns on television. They are told that it is far easier to pop a pill to change their triglycerides than to change diet and lifestyle. And speaking of diets, why would you want to actually diet when a handy pill can aid in your weight loss? It might also cause irreparable heart damage or surgical intervention to repair the damage caused by that pill, but at least you can eat cookies, right?

It is the unfortunate truth, however, that many medications cause just as many problems as they cure. Prescription medication kills over 100,000 people per year. Often people have to take additional medications to counteract the unpleasant side effects of the first medication. Rarely are holistic dietary and lifestyle solutions offered first – a trip to the doctor nearly always means a subsequent trip to the pharmacy. And often, it isn’t until years in the future that the truth comes out about the horrible health effects a new miracle drug has had, at which time, class action lawsuits are filed. A financial settlement rarely makes up for the health problems suffered by a child born with birth defects or a person who must use a colostomy bag for the rest of his life or the toddlers who lost their mother, all because of a prescribed medication.

And there’s more…

This is only a small portion of the toxins that we are ingesting, breathing in, and soaking up every single day. We are lathering our skin with petrochemicals. BPA is leaching into our food and beverages. Chemtrails and questionable farming methods are tainting the air that we breathe…it’s enough for a book, not merely an article. Additives like MSG and unpronounceable non-food ingredients are killing off our brain cells and triggering the growth of cancerous cells in our bodies.

And the result of all of this?

  • Disease
  • Obesity
  • Lethargy
  • Lower IQs
  • Shorter lifespans
  • Infertility

If it was only one toxic assault, or maybe even two or three, you might be able to write this off as accidental, something that just happened due to carelessness. But with all of the evidence proving irrefutably that the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe is making us sick, how can we form any other conclusion than the one that states, “This is a deliberate attack.”

All of the alphabet agencies that are supposedly there for our protection are merely arms of the giant propaganda machine. They are there to convince us that “someone” would put a stop to it if these things were actually bad for us. They are there to dispense a false sense of confidence in our governing bodies and to make us feel as though our health and safety is their first concern.

Moderation is not an option. We have to fight back through strict avoidance.

Think about this.

Would you willingly feed your child just a “little bit of cyanide”? Would you let them have a serving of strychnine “once in a while”? Would you purposely give them a cigarette just because you “happened to be out and that is what was offered”? Would you let them drink bleach from the laundry room as long as it wasn’t in an amount that would be immediately deadly and if it was diluted so that it didn’t burn their throats when they swallowed it?

Our politicians, government officials, and “protection” agencies are bought and paid for. They are at best, complicit, and at worst, the ones instituting this.


This is the difficult part. The tinfoil hat part. The point at which you lose your audience because the reality causes cognitive dissonance to kick in. No one wants to believe that a government would intentionally make its citizens sick, infertile, stupid, and dead.

But, they are, and here are just a few nefarious reasons:

  • A sick, dull population is easy to control. They are too lethargic to resist tyranny.
  • People who die young are not a drain on the country’s finances – they won’t collect social security or use vast amounts of socialized health care in their old age. Eugenics pays dividends.
  • A dumbed down population will gladly accept whatever is doled out to them. They will be little worker bees, human drones performing jobs that don’t require critical thinking skills, happy to be rewarded with a shoebox apartment and a cart full of processed foods.
  • Infertility aids in depopulation measures.

How can you resist?

Resistance isn’t easy. To avoid being poisoned is to be labeled a kook, the one at office parties and family events who brings their own food, the target of sighs and eye rolls.

Grit your teeth, ignore the naysayers, and do as many of the following things as possible.

  • Get into the garden and start growing your own food
  • Get together with others who are like-minded and form small buying co-ops for things like meat and bulk grain purchases
  • Seek natural remedies before pharmaceutical ones
  • Build relationships with local farmers so you can have trusted food sources
  • Stockpile while you can, building a pantry of bulk-purchased whole foods
  • Drink spring water and avoid “city” water
  • Plant a windowsill salad garden
  • Choose natural health and beauty aids that contain no petrochemicals
  • Teach your children WHY you avoid the things you do
  • Spread the word to anyone who will listen – repetition is key

American Genocide is no longer a conspiracy theory. Enough evidence has amassed that it is an irrefutable conspiracy fact.

Source: http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/the-great-american-genocide/