February 11, 2025



Sweden’s Highway to Hell

By Thomas Müller

The lugenpresse at the Times of London were forced by necessity to report on actual news-on-the-ground in the migrant-swamped city of Malmo, Sweden. Thanks for finally playing. Sweden has been “experiencing an unprecedented surge of gang shootings, bombings and sexual assaults,” the Times admitted. “People use machine guns and hand grenades — they want to kill,” said Zoran Markovic, the former chief of community policing in Rosengård. Anti-tank weapons were found in a basement.

Rosengård’s force works from a black fortress of reinforced concrete with narrow windows and a 10-foot-high electric fence. It was bombed last week, days after a police car was blown up.

The New Nationalist (TNN) conducted open-source research on the size and composition of the Malmo migrant gangs and found information shockingly scarce — no doubt part of the PC black-out on the topic.

There was poor news coverage even within Sweden, which is hardly a surprise. Real news media would have investigative journalists on this; but this, too, seems lacking. Coverage that does exist, such as the following headline from a TIME magazine article, uses politicized gaslighting against the code words “Alt-Right” and “conspiracy theory” instead of real investigative reporting.

“More than 36 percent of young Swedish women say they feel unsafe at night,” the article continues. The authorities have admitted they are unable to investigate rape cases immediately because the resources are focused on gang crime. “We are forced to choose between two evils,” the police said.

According to the article, Stefan Lofven, the far left Social Democratic Party prime minister (whose pro-Third World immigration and “asylum” policies are the cause of the migrant invasion and violence), said last week that he was ready to deploy the army into the “affected areas.”

Even the Swedish Democrat leader Jimmie Akesson “declared war” against organized crime and suggested that Sweden should deploy the military to no-go zones to counter the out-of-control violence.

“People are shot to death in pizza restaurants, people are killed by hand grenades they find on the street,” Akesson said in parliament on Wednesday. This is the new Sweden; the new, exciting dynamic, multicultural paradise that so many here in this assembly … have fought to create for so many years,” he said sarcastically.

Last year, BBC showed just how dishonest — and we would suggest malintentioned — they are by coining an article showing that sex offences have stabilized in recent years. A precocious 13 year old could tell you by looking at Charts 1 and 2 that, yes, the parabolic rise has ended and only because Sweden is no longer offering significant numbers asylum. But the damage is done. Sweden now has one of the highest per-capita rape rates in the word [see Chart 3].

A Question No One is Asking

Is there something else to this deluge of riffraff descending upon Sweden? Could it be much more deliberate and weaponized than anyone ever imagined? Could the politicians and international agencies responsible be traitors and fifth columnists of the worst kind? It appears that gangsterism has been transferred from Somalia to Malmo.

One Somali journalist returned to her country out of fear and stated that it’s safer at home than in PC Sweden, given that at home the issue is treated with greater honesty.

Also consider that in the last few years Somalia has enjoyed a solid economic and social recovery. Work is available and investors from China, Qatar, Turkey and India are coming in. There is little reason to be offering refugee status to Somalians now as their country could also use its better-quality people.

Did someone take the lowest common denominator out of Somalia, Eritrea and Afghanistan and dump it on Sweden? Additionally, the anti-social impact of the Somalian diaspora has been much less elsewhere. Did Sweden get the special treatment? Is this why the background on these criminals is so hard to ascertain? The push was orchestrated by wealthy usual suspect internationalists allying with a twisted, inverted, masochistic, brainwashed element within Swedish society itself.

TNN Takeaway: No European country should allow unmanageable populations of Africans and Middle Easterners. But even more importantly, those small numbers that are let in should be heavily screened. Adding insult to injury, Swedish fifth columnists arranged for a criminal element to enter. The traitorous and disgraced Swedish government is responsible for trashing their country and needs to be condemned, canned and replaced with adult supervision. And I am not buying the “incompetence” lie.

For those who cry racist, ask what the impact and outcry would be if Sweden sent its 1,000 most dangerous and worst white criminals to some country with a different culture and race, and that country stood by in political correctness and a news blackout while they formed criminal gangs and raped the native women.

Congratulations, idiots, you have Brazilified your country. When the new adult supervision is established, they can consult with the BOPE from Rio de Janerio and employ tactics as illustrated in the following video clip. BOPE can bring to Sweden the benefit of years of experience dealing with Hell.
