January 22, 2025




This October 15th marks the culmination of a lifetime of  learning, observation, research, both formal and informal education on themost important topics in American life:  “who really governs us, and what are the (secret) motives, goals, and desires of those whoactually rule America?”

  PROOF that JEWS can operate as  COMMISSARS   of  MASS-MURDER  TERRORISM and  blood-lust PURGES from either  the “socialist/communist”  ‘radical left’   OR  from the “Capitalist”  “free markets”  RADICAL RIGTH wing…     Dianne Feinstein might  POSE as a “liberal Democrat” and  U.S. senator “representing” her constituents, the population of California, usa….    but she is actually a  text-book example of  INSIDER TRADING GRAFT, CORRUPTION,  WAR PROFITEERING, and  SLAVE PLANTATION  rulers whipping their slaves to death – in the name of “free market capitalism”,  of course… 

 PORTRAIT in HATE,  treachery, TREASON,  blood-lust, and ghoulish, vampire war profiteering: 
  those who think  Dianne Feinstein deserves to “represent” the 20 million people of California are deeply deluded… as we will easily prove….  

RAMH EMANUEL,  DIANNE FEINSTEIN,  CHUCK SCHUMER, CARL LEVIN,  JOE LIE-BERTHUG….  every one of these TRAITOR ‘Democrats’     is a RADICAL RIGHT-WING  Rethuglican  Judeo Supremacist  ‘Neo-Con’  MASQUERADING as a “representative of Americans”  “librual Democrat” – they are actually  JUDEO SUPREMEACIST TRAITORs….

EVEN  “Conservative”  Republicans  DESPISE  the  JEW NEO-CON WAR-PIGS in their midst –  Specter, Coleman,

and Illeana Ross Lehtnin is only able to win her House seat by posing as a “conservative Latino” – not by posturing as the JUDEO SUPREMACIST  HATE-MONGER that she actually is….

EVERYBODY in America   SHOULD BE  “anti-Semitic” –  the jews believe they are ENTITLED to ENSLAVE and EXTERMINATE their neighbors – as recorded in the pages of their own “holy” (sic” bible !!  THE VERY WORD “bible” IS STOLEN FROM THE EGYPTIAN,  “byblos”  meaning “book, or pages assembled from papyrus reed paper.”   This is but ONE of the MANY THEFTS from Egyptian, Phoenecian, and Summerian/Akkadian cultures (“Mespotamia” is a Greek word to define Summer & Akkad)  that we will document…

a well publicized quotation and iconic graphic image of  assassinated President John F. Kennedy points to a very real “CONSPIRACY”  to enslave and control the people of the United States of America.  Unfortunately, the core or fabric of that conspiracy is “HIDING IN PLAIN VIEW” in the pages of the “holy bible” (sic) –  written by jewish ‘scholars’ priests and their  elite leaders  –  where the story is one of  JEWS RELENTLESSLY SEEKING to INFILTRATE  other peoples,  host nations.. and as soon as the Judeo elites rise to the top of that host society, they IMMEDIATELY  START SEIZING ALL THE WEALTH & PROPERTY, and  SENDING OUT  DEATH SENTENCES ad SUMMARY MASS EXECUTION LISTS.  Whether Abraham migrating to Egypt, or Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers; or Mordachai becoming vizier of the Persian empire…. whenever Jews rise to the top of a given culture, nation, kingdom, or empire, they immediately begin writing up “ENEMIES LISTS”  of people they want to (enslave) and exterminate….     

Unfortunately, it is not a pretty picture.    Indeed, it is a quite horrific picture: a story of  infamy, hate, treachery, mass-murder, blood-lust, lies, deceit, treachery  (did we mention “treachery”?) and SERIAL TREASON against the people of America,   and indeed of  slow-burn war of hate,  opportunistic  treachery, and relentless manipulatoin against the people of  the entire world…  as we have tried to outline in the pages of this blog over the preceding months and years.    This is NOT a topic or endeavor that we sought out,  nor launched on enthusiastically…. we have been DRIVEN to do this research, and have been driven to these conclusions, only by the overwhelming tendency of  America’s  “elites” to  ram  UNPOPULAR  DIVISIVE, and  DESTRUCTIVE policies down America’s throats  over the preceding decades all the way  back to the previous (20th) century (1900s to 1999)  and even in to the century of  “Britannia rules”  before that.

Abe Foxman has made a lucrative career out of whining about “anti-Semitism”….

EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD  _SHOULD_  BE  “anti-Jewish” –  or “anti-Semitic” in the race-conflating terminology of the Jew propaganda machine  (racist terminology that  EXCLUDES non-Jewish Semitic races… you know,  Arabs, Palestinians, Assyrians, etc.)

BECAUSE ACCORDING TO THE JEWS’  OWN “holy” (sic)  bible and teachings,  JEWS  ARE DESIGNATED BY “g-o-d” TO  CONQUER, EXTORT, and ENSLAVE the ENTIRE  human race…
with “useless mouths”  to be EXTERMINATED  at the sole discretion of the evil jew  slave owners!!

In barest outline, the people of the Jewish faith, the people who claim judeo ethnicity and now hew to judeo nationalism,    relentlessly, over the course of their history, appealed to the mercy,  decency,  toleration, and good will of  their neighbors, especially of the host nations that they have resided among over the past 25 centuries since the Babylonian conquerors  forced jews to migrate to present day Southern Iraq  during the “Babylonian exile”  in ____.

Americans  REPEATEDLY vote for “CHANGE!” from the DESPISED  ‘Neo-Con’  JUDEO SUPREMACIST, WARS & demonic  CONCENTRATION of wealth & power  agenda..

but Americans continually find themselves  DRIVEN in to “policies” of  EXPANDING WARS,  ECONOMIC  SABOTAGE, and social MANIPULATION  by  the “elites” – who, if you examine both the details and the “big picture” –  are actually HEWING TO that   JUDEO SUPREMACISTS wars,  concentration of wealth, and gross inequity and inequality agenda….

“BAILOUTS” benefited – JEWISH BANKERS!  blankfein, Lehman, rubin,  citi, jacob lew….

Bob Rubin’s  “DEREGULATION was nothing more than LICENSE to DEFRAUD the American public…    what was once called “HOLLYWOOD ACCOUNTING”  –  making even successful, blockbuster movies appear to be financial losers so the movies’ producers didn’t have to share their profits with contributors or the taxpaying public – has now been entrenched as the financial accounting system of the world.

TORTURE !!     =  jewish

GUN GRABBING –  the jews just wear their lust to PURGE –  massacre and mass-murder their neighbors on their sleeves…. IT  IS THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC  OF THEIR RELIGION !!

THE ONLY reason these two ANTI AMERICAN  TRAITORS are in their extremely high  (US government) positions is because they are JEWISH…

..because they were PUT THERE BY THE JEW ‘money power’  and  JEW WAR LOBBY (aipac, likud, adl, ujc, et al)    PRECISELY TO EXERT CRUEL & RUTHLESS AUTHORITY OVER AMERICANS.. to  DEFRAUD  Americans….

Jacob  LEW,   elena kagan,  victoria nudelman kagan….   WAR PIG TRAITORS who have NO, zero, zip, zilch nadda Respect for HUMAN RIGHTS.

IF the U.S. CONSTITUTION  DOES NOT APPLY as the supreme law of the United States of America… then we are  a  LAWLESS  nation,  where the mass-murderous  (judeo)  “Commissariat” can DICTATE LIFE OR DEATH to ANYONE  in the nation (anyone on planet earth!) with NO RECOURSE, RESTRAINT,  MERCY, or fair hearing…. much less judgement by a trial by jury composed of one’s peers.

The “P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act”,  “INDEFINITE DETENTION” provisions of the 2013 NDAA (act), and similar  DICTATORIAL,   government  USURPING  of  all rights & powers to make even King George III, sadistic Roman emperors, or Atttilla the Hun blush,  ARE ALL WRITTEN, FORMULATED,  DESIGNED,  and IMPLEMENTED BY JEWS and their treasonous  Republican & “Democrat” party  wholly-owned COLLABORATORS in HIGH CRIMES & TREASONS…..

TREASON in the U.S. Senate…

the  U.S. Senate, Con-gress, and entire  U.S. government, have been HIJACKED by the TREASONOUS    “money power”  and blatantly judeo supremacist War Lobby… the “HIGH PRIESTS of WAR”   who are controlled by judeo financiers behind  the “multinational financial & banking system”….

Source: thejewishwars.blogspot.com