September 11, 2024



Dutch GP Cures Coronavirus Patients, But The Dutch Government Isn’t Happy

© Omroep B&M
Dutch GP Rob Elens.Rob Elens, a Dutch GP, has successfully treated eight covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc orotate. His protocol consisted of hydroxychloroquine and zinc orotate for four days and azithromycin for three days. All eight patients, five men and three women whose age ranged between 60-80+ and who had various clinical symptoms, have been cured. One person experienced diarrhea, and one other a stomach ache, but other than that, there were no side effects from the treatment. After only four days of this treatment, all patients were asymptomatic, and thus cured.

In an interview with Omroep P&M, Elens says:

“A number of doctors have conducted research on the effects of a combination of zinc, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in South Korea, France, and the US. Several doctors shared this on social media, which prompted me to delve into those studies, and it turns out that those doctors saw very few to none hospital admissions or intensive care admissions from patients getting this treatment. So I started discussing this with my pharmacist, and afterwards we created the protocol.”

He explained that hydroxychloroquine is a medicine that’s been around for a long time, originally created in 1955 to treat malaria. Having gained much experience working with anti-malarial medicine during work in Africa, Elens felt confident in prescribing it for his patients who were suffering from symptoms suspected of being related to covid-19. In the interview he called upon his colleagues to talk with their pharmacies and to prescribe the same highly effective protocol.

However, the Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate – a governmental institution – has now prohibited him from prescribing this treatment to his patients, claiming there is no evidence of effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and azitromycine. The Inspectorate has warned that he will be fined if he continuesMeanwhile, evidence that they falsely claim is absent, continues to increase with more cases of people being cured with this method.

See the following, for example:

  • A placebo-controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 conducted in Wuhan “revealed that after 5 days of hydroxychloroquine treatment, the symptoms of patients with COVID-19 were significantly relieved, manifesting as shorten(ing) in the recovery time for cough and fever”.
  • Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a board-certified family practitioner in New York, so far treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100 percent success, with only four hospitalizations, using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, an antibiotic to treat secondary infections, and zinc sulfate.
  • Bahrain has been using hydroxychloroquine succesfully in their treatment for coronavirus. Belgium also sees hope in this treatment and has started clinical trials.
  • Clinical results from Marseille, France, show 78 out of 80 coronavirus patients treated with hydroxychloroquine (combined with azithromycin for some patients) recovered within five days.

These are promising results that should prompt any GP or health professional to start prescribing this protocol for patients who have contracted covid-19 or any patient with serious lower respiratory problems, including pneumonia. It has sadly become more apparent than ever that the Dutch government is not interested in curing patients, but more interested in exerting their power over people.

Elens, however, is not giving up, and is looking into a supplement that he can combine with zinc for his patients. Hopefully, more people will see how promising hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc are, and demand to lift the ridiculous ban on treating and curing covid-19 patients in this manner.
