Fauci, Biden and their band of merry varianteers began to see their fear narrative dissipating around Thanksgiving. Cases had fallen...
BY GREATREJECT · 23/04/2021 https://seed126.bitchute.com/FeJrJ4iaKMHG/zcWPlXP8rtXW.mp4?_=1 This video was issued on the David Icke site on June 17, 2020. Note that both the...
WRITTEN BY: SUZANNE HAMNER PUBLISHED ON: MARCH 9, 2021 **Disclaimer – This is not legal or medical advice. This is for...
By Source -February 6, 2021 Senate Democrats defeated legislation Wednesday that would have protected infants who survive abortions. The Born Alive Abortion Survivors...
DEC 13, 2020 (Wardo-Rants) Vaccine rollout begins Sat. Dec. 12, 2020. ‘Murder By Injection'(1988): The Eustace Mullins Warning In his prophetic...