February 11, 2025



Big Pharma whistleblower: ‘97% of corona vaccine recipients will become infertile’

BY GREATREJECT · 23/04/2021


This video was issued on the David Icke site on June 17, 2020.

Note that both the man reporting in the video, Ben Fellows, and David Knight, who presents it to us, show a certain level of scepticism about the claims. Ben Fellows’ strategy will be to get access to the vaccine and the trials in order that vaccines may be lab-tested independently. (see below)

Ben Fellows comes from the group www.govote.org.uk and reports on information received from a GlaxoSmithKline whistleblower on what is believed to be some of the ingredients in the vaccine (or one of them) currently being trialled.

  • Overall: the GSK insider believes certain gender-specific antigens included in the vaccines will be detrimental to human fertility.
  • Who is running the vaccine trial and who does he work with? Dr. Andrew Preston from the Milner Centre for Evolution at Bath University (see his page) is running the trial. He was given a 28 million pound grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. His collaborators are: Dr. Eric Harvill from Penn State U., who got a 10 million pound grant from Gates; Dr. Ernst from U. of Baltimore got 7 million pounds (2.9 from Gates; the rest from NIAID, run by Fauci); Dr. Caroline Colijn – 14.5 million; Drs. Philippe Dehottay and Philippe Goffin. And Preston works with GSK Biologicals, which has the biggest vaccine production facility in the world, in Belgium. They produce 2 million doses of over 30 vaccines per day.
  • The insider sent in information claiming the vaccine has already been made, and contains various antigens and a ‘concoction of chemicals’, some of which may be harmful. These are the claims being made about the ingredients:
  • 1. anti-hCG antigen: this causes sterility in women (GJ: readers might find this link useful from 1992: Anti-hCG Vaccines Are in Clinical Trials. From this, it seems that anti-hCG vaccines are birth control vaccines for women.)
  • 2. This antigen is also combined with OLH and 37 amino acid carboxy terminal peptides, known as CTP. The principle of this anti-hCG antigen is to produce antibodies which combine with hCG to render it inactive. Out of 63 women tested by GSK with the anti-hCG antigen, 61 became infertile.
  • 3. Male vaccines use the anti-GnRH antigen, which reduces testicle size. It also lowers testosterone levels, and there is marked atrophy of the prostate. It is a sperm-specific mitrochondrial antigen. (GR: readers might be interested in this veterinary study, which uses the anti-GnRH antigen to ‘”switch off” the reproductive endochrine system’ in male pigs: Vaccination against GnRH: pros and cons.) When the affected sperm reaches the female egg, there is simply nothing to deliver because of mitochondrial DNA damage. It was tested on baboons, and there was reduced fertility in the females. Men vaccinated with this can thus make females (non-vaccinated) infertile. If this type of vaccine goes ahead, this sterility phenomenon wouldn’t be noticed in the population for around 7-10 years. The population would, however, be reduced significantly within a few years. There will also be global population reduction according to the scale of distribution of the vaccine.
  • How do we verify this? Fellows will pay for random testing to be done of the vaccines at independent laboratories.
  • There is also a cluster of cancer-causing chemicals, too, but this will be addressed later.
  • Scientists will be assembled who aren’t connected either to GSK or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These scientists have quietly come forward already.
  • What can we do? Go to www.govote.org.uk – join this party simply by signing up to support this. It doesn’t matter whether you want the vaccine or not. Our testing will show if these chemicals are in there or not.
  • We’re looking at a massive population reduction scheme, which has been Bill Gates’ plan for many years.
  • With 3 million signatures on the site, pressure can be applied on the UK govt.